Northern Forest Archipelago 1 NFASEB 2006

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Centered in and around Saranac Lake/Lake Clear, New York. It is described as a “pint-sized paradise” comprised of “several dozen chunks or ‘islands’ of wilderness existing within the northeastern states of the USA”. There are nearly 50 NFA outposts throughout the Adirondacks and New England. Their declaration of existence was formalized through the enactment and ratification of a Constitution on September 21,1998. The head and founder of this “constitutional monarchy” is “King James III”. Having explored the vast tracks of forestland known as the Great Northern Forest, he purchased the land that would become Backwoods (the capital of the NFA) and organized other widely dispersed bits of timberland under a cohesive system of government.


Additional product information

Year 2,006
Material Bronze
Denomination 1 NFASEB

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